Hydraulic equipment


Hydraulic winches with worm or pleternary gearbox designed and built for long service life and safe and reliable handling. Suitable for heavy industrial applications, for towing services or for mounting on the front bumper for self-recovery. The special version also allows the winch to be mounted laterally on the chassis.

The winches can be equipped with the appropriate certified cables, hooks, rollers and rope press.

In combination with other hydraulic components from our program, the vehicle can be equipped with complete auxiliary components for the installation and operation of winches.

Electric winches with pulling force from 1 to 3,6t for heavy use with worm gearboxes.


Car Transporter

Hydraulic and electric winch models


Hydraulic winches with worm gearbox pulling force from 2700 up to 30000kg. Konstruisana za dug životni vek i bezbedan rad. Pužni prenos pruža dodatnu zaštitu od otpuštanja sajle pod opterećenjem. Posebno pogodna za zahtevne poslove šlep službe.

Hidraulična vitla sa planetarnim prenosom potezne sile od 3600 do 16500kg. Konstruisana za dug životni vek i bezbedan rad nude visoku brzinu rada. Inovativni kočioni sistem čine ova vitla pouzdanim u svakoj industrijskoj pirmeni.


Električna vitla u varijantama 12 i 24V potezne sile od 1000 do 3600kg konstruisana za dug, pouzdan i bezbedan rad na lakim komercijalnim vozilima.